Gene Milkshake festivali gene gol sevgili GMag okuyucuları. 5. Yıl münasebeti ile Milkshake festivali bu sene iki (2) gün idi. Hollanda’dan Fehamettin Bele, sizler için bu festivali fotoğrafladı! Azıcık aşağıya inmeniz yeterli! Milkshake festival rocked again bitchez! This year Milkshake festival was 2 days (due to 5th year anniversary) and Fehamettin Bele from Netherlands covered …
Gmag Özel: Milkshake Festivali, Amsterdam!

Gene Milkshake festivali gene gol sevgili GMag okuyucuları.
5. Yıl münasebeti ile Milkshake festivali bu sene iki (2) gün idi. Hollanda’dan Fehamettin Bele, sizler için bu festivali fotoğrafladı! Azıcık aşağıya inmeniz yeterli!
Milkshake festival rocked again bitchez! This year Milkshake festival was 2 days (due to 5th year anniversary) and Fehamettin Bele from Netherlands covered the magazine for you! Check the photos!

“Milkshake wheel and never break a character”

“#nofilter #milkshake #cityview”

“Of course we are gorgeous”

“Another cutie, what was your name again?”

“Sweet as a cherrypie, as always…”

“These sixpacks resulted from hard work bitchez”

“Mama said never pose for strangers, sorry”

“Fierce performance shows as always”

“Wheel all day”

“This is how I rock’

“My name is Monroe, Marilyn Monroe”

“I became wet baby”

“A guy 1 meter away asks for a facepic. Which one should I send? With beard or without?”

“Closest guy in grindr: 1 meter away. Let’s ask face picture”

“art for art”

“catwalk with pride”

“checking the latest gossips…”

“vodka and nails”

“May look like a bit grumpy, but I am totally not”

“we are lovely together”

“Just another cutie”

“I am fab fab fab”

“look at my nose piercing bitchez!”

“Tea time with disco balls”

“We love milkshake, woehoee”

“Another selfie time”

“Oil wrestling, hell yeah!”

“No pain no gain”

“Who says I have a hangover?”

“Mmmm, which one is more delicious? Omelette or naked chef?”

“I noticed you’

“Rabbit with a style”

“aquaaerobika blues, and yes it’s a whale!”

“Never forget to update your Instagram profile”

“OMG! he is an angel ”

“Roller disco, for real!”

“ultimate hipsterness”

“deconstruction with style”

“My Sexy Ticket Lady”

“Aquaaerobika from Russia, with love!”

“I am smiling but just because I find you cute.”

“Is it an underwear? Yes… Is it clean? Hell yeahh”

“I am hungry, do you understand me?”

“Dancing day and night”

“Wheeling day and night…” Fotoğraflar Nils Greendike